New to this, giving it a try

Hi all, I’m new to this and am not sure what I’m supposed to do lol
So, a little about myself; I am an alcoholic. I recently quit drinking, tomorrow will actually be my 60 day. I’m pretty excited and proud of myself for being able to go this long without a drink. However, I still can’t get over the feelings of remorse and self doubt. I know I’ve done some pretty crappy things when I was drinking, for that I am truly sorry. I have tried to forgive myself for my wrong doings. I just keep going back to feeling like I’m a bad person. I don’t know if the depression I feel is from the chemical imbalance that my brain is still trying to correct or what but it’s very tough right now and I’ve been getting cravings again. Strong ones… I’ve been lucky and have not slipped, I’ve contacted other members of the community when the urges come on but I’m worried that one day my demon may get the best of me. As for today, I am still sober and I am grateful for that. I hope you all have a blessed day and may you find the strength to get through another day without giving into your demons.


Wow, 60 days is amazing. This is a difficult journey. I have struggled with addiction and depression as well. You are not alone. There are so many people here to share your path and to listen and support you. I don’t have a lot of advice, but I do send strength and want you to know I’m here :heart:


My treatment had us write a goodbye letter to our DOC I think it was helpful


Thank you, I appreciate you reaching out to me. It’s good to know that I am not alone in this. I’ve been changing my group of friends to help avoid triggers and it sometimes can be lonely. I’m really looking forward to making new friends through my local program and on here.


That is an interesting idea, writing a letter. I just may have to try that. Thank you for the idea.


Not lucky at all. You have resolve to quit drinking. You have 60 days!! That is a LOT of days. A LOT of fighting urges! You are doing it. So…in preparation for that day when the urges seem too strong, be prepared. Read suggestions on this forum for that. Your plan may include coming here, calling a sober or supportive friend, going for a walk, working out, taking a bath, binge watching a TV show, and coming HERE. TS has made such a difference to me. Just knowing people are here. People who understand. I’m glad you are here!


Thank you very much. I’ve even started using the journal on here. I’m hoping to track my moods and feelings and see where I need to make changes and when I need to accept things for what they are. Glad to be here


Thank you!

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Congrats on 60 days!! I have no advice I’m fairly new on the journey about to do 2 weeks at 10pm PST today. This community has been of a lot of help. So many good reads and advice. Not to mention the support and encouragement. Keep going you got this.


Thank you! And congratulations on your 2 weeks! My first couple weeks were really hard. I am grateful for the people in the meetings I go to. They were very helpful and supportive. I am looking forward to seeing what other people on here have to share. It’s encouraging when I hear others that have been through the struggles and hard times yet have come out on top. God bless and stay strong!!


Congratulations on your 60 days MIke.
One day at a time. Today.
There’s a great check in thread on here if your interested. Lots of great people check in daily to be accountable, and to get and give support.

Have a good read around. Join in when your comfortable.

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