Quit drinking recently. Looking for others

26f 21 days sober from alcohol. Having a hard time today. Looking for other people in a similar situation.

My story I guess. I had drank since I was about 17. Heavy trauma, and a lot of it was self medicating. Recently (within the last year) went through some breakups one of which was with an alcoholic narcissist who abused me and the most recent was with someone who did not drink at all and never did anything to hurt me except break up with me.

My aim is to find other people on this app I can talk to and check-in with.


Welcome and congratulations on 21 days :slightly_smiling_face:. You will find lots of people here in similar situations with around the same amount of sober time.

Here is a great thread for accountability. Best wishes to you.


Hi, welcome! Glad you’re here. Read around, see what resonates with you. I recently joined myself, and am finding TS very helpful. Wish you well in your journey!


Welcome to the community. Nice to meet you :smiley:
Look around and engage in whatever interests you, there is a topic for everything from pets to cooking, music to hiking, knitting to gardening. You will find people to connect to that share your interests. And if your kinda thing doesn’t have its own thread yet? Just start one!
Hope to see you around :purple_heart:


I came here to read and post the same thing you have. I’m struggling immensely today. 12 days sober. I’ve attempted becoming sober so many times. I hate to add my pity story to the mix but i lost my youngest son 15 in December. I’m incredibly lonely, as my other two kids are 25 & 30 and have their own lives. I woke up on 12/16/22 and suddenly it was just me and my son’s beloved dogs. He went to school and never came home the day before. He was killed in a car accident on his school lunch break. Sorry if i shared too much. I’m on campral for cravings and today is honestly the first time I’ve had any really bad cravings. I plan to disract myself with some yardwork in 100 degree weather while the cravings pass. Better days are upon us. This i know from experience. Hang in there! Many hugs :people_hugging:


I’m here too self medicated and alcohol aswell as Cocaine, I’m 46 year female with family, and 9 days sober with many attempts of trying, went to first NA meeting the other night


Congratulations on choosing sobriety! Im new to this as well but im always here to talk.

It makes it a lot easier to know someone else is doing through this journey with you.


Welcome to the forum.

They’re a very supportive group. We all need support and pep talks, especially when fighting an enemy like addiction.


We’re proud of you for those 12 days.

I met a woman at church this spring who lost her son in his late twenties. We became friends. She’s been my only IRL friend at times. She remembers her son wherever she goes, whatever she does. But I’ve watched her recover and reclaim her power over the grief.

One thing that stands out to me is that her own family and friends grow impatient with her, just for talking about the loss. Nobody else believes she can move on. I do. Even though fully “getting over” might not be possible… or even desirable.


That’s awful. Not sure what you personally believe, but I think wherever he is now, he definitely knows he was loved and that he is missed terribly. :sparkling_heart:

Grief from a loss like that leaves a deep, yawning void and the trouble with us as humans is we try to fill it. We just have to be careful what we fill it with.

Keep all your other loved ones close and try to fill your days with the things that make you smile. Much love. :sparkling_heart:

Congrats on choosing sobriety! There is always someone to listen if you get stuck. :sparkling_heart:


I’m fresh off the drink been on and off for years really trying this time round worst position going always leads to everything else

I’m here if you want a buddy to check in with and drop a msg to when you feel


Hi, hope your well. Some similarities in your story as to mine, congrats on your 3 week sober. If I can make it to that mark also I will be over the moon. Feel free to check in whenever :slight_smile: take care

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My thoughts are with you @ChristineCarol. That is not a pity story or anything, you are not oversharing or anythibg of the sort. You have been through a huge trauma & loss, and I hope you find the love, connection and support through this communify. Some of us has also been through similar losses/traumas, and by you sharing you help us (me) not to feel so alone. Thank you, and wishing you another 24. Xo


Glad you have found this space. I am new here and its reallt been an amazing place and people to have beside me, right in my pocket. 21 days is big things!!! There will be tough days around cravings in the beginning, but it does get easier…wishing you the best and to see you around xo


Haha yeah, I’m the asinine ouroboros. I like how it sounds. The idea is I’m constantly growing and changing and renewing myself and that’s all well and good, but I also have no friggin idea what I’m doing. :sweat_smile: I have flown by the absolute seat of my pants for almost 27 years, and I do not plan to stop anytime soon!


Congrats on 3 weeks! That’s amazing :grin: My last relationship was with a horrible man. It took me 1.5 years to get over the abuse from that relationship, but I was also drinking that whole time. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Once I quit, it became easier to process the things that happened and I could let it go and move on. I wish you all the best on this new journey you’ve begun. Keep checking in :green_heart:


Thank you so much! I hit 2 weeks today. I don’t remember when I was two weeks sober previously. Feeling positive and hopeful.


Welcome and congrats on 21 days. I went through the exact same thing as you - traumatic break up with an alcoholic narcissist which eventually devolved into self medicating with alcohol during a triggering event. Then it turned into a way to always take the edge off. I always found a way to rationalize it. What kinds of things are you doing to stay sober?


Welcome! We are all trying to do our best, no judgement here. This forum is a godsend for not feeling alone and sharing where you’re at. Keep going, you’ve got this!