Staying Sober; Party of 1 (Everyone Welcome)

To clarify, I am sober. Yes, I’ve relapsed a few times a long the way. I’ve done it all alone. I’m proud of that. And I know being alone, without family or loved ones support, can make it invisible. I want to let everyone know here that’s doing it alone, for yourself, you’re special. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it, I believe that! :hugs: :heart:


@Alisa is right. We are here for you. No matter what. There will always be one who knows what we are going through in a particular situation.
I find myself sometimes not liking the answers I get but that is because I feel vulnerable and all I’d like to have is a hug. A hug.
And when I really feel alone which is much less than during drinking times it helps to read here, to stay open. Often I find myself comparing myself to other and feel jealous for this and that and I forget that I pick only the cherries of their lives. Of each individual one and then compare it with my only one life. :see_no_evil:


Hugs are always good!


Glad you’re doing well on your single journey. I’m alone half the time due to husband’s work. So I work and hang out with our dogs and cat.

I can see the challenges but also can think of worse situations for getting sober.

This is a good place to give and receive support and you’re not alone.


My dog Buddy and cat Riley keep me going!


Adorable :star_struck:!


@maxwell hi, I’m kind of alone, but not lonely per say and did the decision to quit drinking alcohol for myself and on my own with help of certain books, and this community. I believe that you have always been living for someone out there, maturing and growing mentally, emotionally and feel hungry for love you deserve. I have few friends, admit need to be a bit more active towards meeting them but we stay in connection via chats,calls. And I’m you know acquiring courage to initiate conversations with woman I like outside, they do like it just…


Recently moved into an apartment and living alone, so not used to all the freedom and loneliness, it was hard at first, i relapsed 2 times, now whenever I get a sudden urge to drink I just go to my grandmothers house for a quick vacation (2-7 days), it’s like a rehab place there for me, good company with my 89 year old grandma who is still full of life, living alone and still taking care of herself and the house, I get some life tips, some stories, and amazing food!
We as humans need other humans, I get depressed if im alone for too long, so found a way to cope with that, I don’t have friends who live near me since all of them were drinkers and not really my friends now that i think about it.


Have you tried sports, running etc? For me doing sport is huge relief and motivation factor. Plus reading books.


This is beautiful. You put a big smile on my face because you made me think of my grandmother and how wonderful she was. She been gone a long time. But she was always kinda my best friend. Treasure that gold. What a great way to start my morning.


I wasn’t alone when I got sober but I may as well been. My husband who’s also an alcoholic continued drinking daily. I felt he was trying to secretly sabotage my sobriety. He said he was supportive but would come home drunk and sneak alcohol to his bedroom. (We stopped sleeping in the same room because we chose separate paths.) What pissed me off more was the fact that he was insulting my intelligence with his sneaky shit. I knew all along but there’s no reasoning with a drunk. Thankfully, I got real support in the rooms of AA and this forum. I honestly believe I would have picked up if it weren’t for the outside support. I had no accountability in my home. But I knew in my heart, I was done, I just needed help.


Today is a good day. Ran to Sam’s to pick up giant food I don’t really need. (I bought a food saver, so I like to shrink wrap portions and freeze).

Buddy and Riley are fed, walked and zonked on the couch with me. We’re going to watch The Mummy on Netflix.

Most days, I really like the quiet and not sharing with another person. Maybe sounds selfish, but if the alternative was being with my ex, I’d take this any day.

Have a happy day! :blush:


I’ve been single for 2+ years now and I gotta tell you, I enjoy it more and more. I don’t think it’s selfish at all. Maybe bc my last relationship was god awful and I had zero support from him during my first attempt. Now I don’t have to worry about anyone elses issues bringing me down. I do have a daughter, but more than half the time I’m home she is not (school/fathers/friends). My job is extremely social and sometimes, during the busy season, it can be mentally draining. Coming home to a quiet, peaceful house, and my 2 cats, helps me recharge. Being able to sit with yourself is something most people have to learn. I think once you do you can get to know yourself better. Be proud and keep doing the damn thing!


Thank you for creating this post Maxine.
I was living on my own and it was super hard to quit and addiction. Like you mentioned, it is easier to slip up and not have anyone around to see it or call you out for it. It is possible. I now live with my brother who is hardly ever here so still like i have the space to myself.

Again, like you - i am able to see that i am doing this for myself. it really helps me solidify my freedom from addiction. I am learning more of who i am and how to deal with life’s struggles.

it is important to find connections and support as even if we are alone we do not need to do this journey alone. I am grateful for this community for that reason cause here among my sober companions i do not feel alone.


Hi, I have been isolating for 9 years now after a bad breakup. I have fought hard these 9 years for enough self enlightenment to have some sort of introspect into the kind of man i would like to be. I am still in the process of trying to reintegrate into society, and it feels like I have traveled through time into a twilight zone, where every drug addict in the universe seeks me out to tempt me back into that way of living. I really need some support.


Hi Benjamin,
Welcome to the community! Sounds like you’ve been through a lot. Have you ever tried NA, or counseling? I haven’t, so I’m not much help. This thread is pretty new, If you want, I suggest dropping in this daily checking in thread (I hope I did the link correctly, haven’t done it in awhile). It is usually very busy and probably a lot of people that can help.

Read around, a lot here, sometimes it takes a bit to figure it all out. I’m glad you’re here! Welcome! :hugs:

Hey Lisa, I am going thru a very similar situation like yours. I am 30 days sober. My boyfriend started a relationship with a younger woman in the same house we Rent at. This drove me to drown in alcohol. I’ve been alone during this whole mess. I’m just glad that I sought the help I needed so badly. I was suicidal a few times but saved by the grace of God. I know my journey is just starting but I know it’ll be so worth it. Thanks!


Welcome @Lennon9 ! :blush:
I’m glad you found us and happy to hear you sought help. Doing this alone rarely ever works.
I found drinking only magnified my suicidal thoughts when all I wanted to do was drown them. Crazy the tricks the addictive mind can play.
Wishing you the best on your journey and hoping you share it here with all of us.


Interesting I think about living as a single alone being or becoming sober. Starts around 8 min. Before lots of Blabla.

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Single mom here with twin boys an all family in east coast :blush:

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