Ugh I want a drink but I dont

I’ve been contemplating on just one drink . My emotions are everywhere 5 months sober please tell me NO! Could use some kind words :sweat:


Yeah, don’t. There’s no such thing as “just one drink”. It will turn into 2, then 6, then 12,… get to a meeting if you can. Sit down and talk to a sponsor face-to-face if possible.


Don’t do it.

Simple right? :slightly_smiling_face:

I know the temptation seems strong. Think of it like you are sitting on the shore of a river, and a “party boat” is passing by, and it sounds really “exciting”. But you know if you get on that boat, it’s trouble. So you choose to stay on shore, on the side of the river.

Eventually the boat will pass. The current will carry the boat away. The distraction, the temptation, will pass.

In the meantime, do something constructive. Spend some time here on Talking Sober; read some of these books or listen to the podcasts, or join an online meeting Resources for our recovery; binge some TV or movies (Netflix Hulu HBO Apple YouTube etc…… binge ideas please!); take a walk in the forest; go to the gym.

Don’t drink. It will not work.


Hey friend :wave:t2:
You deserve more than poison.
You deserve a good, fulfilled life.
You deserve a clear head.
You deserve a loving and compassionate heart.
You deserve friendship.
You deserve fulfilment.
You deserve to be proud of your decisions.
Don’t take all that away from you by listening to a voice in your head.


You check HALT, go for a walk, cook some tea, take a long, hot shower and put your sober head on the pillow. NOW. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:


Do not take that 1st drink. You will regret it. Play the tape forward. Think how good it feels not to be hang over. How hard it is to start from day one again.

Stay sober with us, just today. Do what it takes to go to bed sober!! You got this! You can do it!!


I’ve never been able to have just one drink. Have you?

Get on over to the gratitude thread

Write down 10 things you’re grateful for now that you are sober. Do you want to thrown all that away? I know I worked my ass off to get this far. And not once in my life have I ever had just 1. Never happened.

Do the right thing. You’ll be so happy you did later.


Need to get a good defence and that means effort maybe a meeting with like minded people will help you with your drinking thoughts wish you well


Welcome to the community :smiling_face:

5 months is amazing work. Don’t take that drunk…it just takes that one sip to get us to spiral and you’ve worked too hard to get here.

This is a wonderful community to be a part of. Great advice, tips and lots of support. Glad you found us :pray:t4::people_hugging:. Keep pushing forward ODAAT


I didn’t even know about this place it’s pretty neat :100: all your encouragement thank you I will not drink. . It’s just a temptation that passes. . Thank you all :pray:t4::slightly_smiling_face:


Just one drink, or just one (more) drunken night? There’s never just one drink, it’s a lie we tell ourselves so that we can get in that drunken night.

You deserve to be free from these thoughts, but to be free, you must remain sober.

Take it one day at a time; all you have to do is be sober today.

Be well


Oh no don’t!!! There’s no such thing as one drink, it snowballs. Believe me, I’ve just made that mistake and it wasn’t worth it. It didn’t fix anything just added to my problems. 5 months sober is amazing! You’re doing great, keep going, you’ve got this! :cherry_blossom:


Welcome to this beautiful sober community and congratulations on 5 months sober. I didn’t realize you were new here. I’m very proud of you, using your first post as a means to ask for help. That’s awesome!
I hope to see you around more.


Hi Luula, im new here, only just discovered this forum. I just figured id add another voice of encouragement not to drink because your post resonated with me. One morning last April i decided what the hell, one beer cant hurt. After a year sober. Now 9 months of chaos later I’m hopefully ready to get sober again. Tomorrow will be day 1. Anyway, i sure wish i hadn’t taken that drink back in April. I hope you can overcome the temptation. It will only bring you misery.


I love that analogy! And that boat does pass


It’s unanimous! Definitely don’t drink. One thing that can help is to just eat something. Even if you’re not hungry like just grab a snack. Something biological just knocks down those urges. But most of all, put the decision off for 24 hours and in the morning, when you wake up, you will be sooooooooo happy you didn’t drink! Best wishes, Bobby



Congratulations on 5 months. Do you really want to go back to day 1? Breathe, take a walk, listen to music. Keep reading all the shares here on this forum.

You can get through this craving with a little work.


Welcome to Talking Sober @ghost9! :wave: :innocent:


Love the cat!