Hi everyone :)

I’m new Here, hoping to track my b/p and sh free days, i want to Stay “sober” is there anyone Here who also suffered from Bulimia and sh and Is doing better now?


Hey welcome to TS!

I can only talk about SH as I don’t have an eating disorder.

However there is a thread that might prove useful, I’ll link it down below. I’m sure you’ll find somebody who knows what you are going through:

Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Have a good one. :slight_smile:


Thanks for interacting with my Post, i’ll Check it Out, tysm!! ^^ have a good day as Well!


Welcome Luc
Codependent Alcoholic here.

This is a great forum to get and give support.
Too many addictions to list. Have a good read around. Join in when you’re comfortable.

There is a nice daily check in thread if you’re interested.

You might find someone there that has something in common with ya.


That’s really Kind of you thanks a Lot!! This platform is kinda complicated but i will try to understand how it works and Check those Out tysm! I Hope you find Support for your struggles as Well
Have a good day! ^^


:hugs: welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you! ^^

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My pleasure.
If you got any questions just ask. We were all new once.


Awesome tyy, the links you Send there, Is it like joining communitys?


I guess I’d call them different threads. Some people check in on a particular thread or topic. This one is kind of a generic daily check in thread.

There’s a Gratitude thread. Binge eating thread. People have their own personal thread. Or topic. A pets thread. Nature etc……
Some are for fun.
Just click on one and read around. Reply or join in when you’re comfortable.


Aaah alright thank you :3


Welcome! My drinking and disordered eating (I hesitate to call full buminia, but I did use laxatives and starve) and self harm were all mingled together.
Looking back, I can see I did it in stages. I quit drinking first. Did AA, and although I did try a little to exercise and eat healthy food I didn’t focus on much other than sobriety. After a year or two I was stable in sobriety and focused on what by then had become just binge eating, as I no longer did much compensatory behaviour. I was the heaviest I had been, hated it, but dieting seemed to quickly make me binge again and back to the start. So I spent a year trying to stop binging only, and exercise. I did not weigh myself (tried not to) and tried to accept that if I was sober and healthy then this weight was fine.
I slowly got my normal hunger cues back.
Then I tried to lose the weight. Very very slowly. And if I started getting frustrated or focusing too much on weight then I went back to maintaining for a few weeks. Getting off the hamster wheel of binge restrict was always more important than my weight. I lost almost all the weight I wanted to, and by that time got interested in getting stronger. I started dumbbell strength training. That has made me put on ‘weight’ but for sure my body composition is better. I still eat emotionally, but on a far smaller scale, and quickly get back to more appropriate eating habits.
Self harm reduced greatly as I stopped acting in ways I felt I needed to ‘punish’ myself for. I only cut once or twice after I quit drinking, and thinking about it, I can’t remember the last time I hit my head, which was the other way I would hurt myself.
Sorry, a bit of an essay there, but basically it was and is a journey.


Welcome Luc :wave: lots of good advice above. I’m not grappling with those conditions myself (I am in recovery from a sex addiction), but I wanted to write and welcome you to Talking Sober! Welcome to our crazy community of people in recovery, living life fully, and sober :innocent:

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Ive gone through both. I struggled with SH until about a year ago. Im doing much better now with that. Being sober in other ways helped that a lot. With eating disorders ive had a few. Ive always had a bad relationship with food. Ive been anorexic and bulemic, ive also swung too hard in the other direction into binge eating. If you ever want some advice on building a healthy relationship with food and loving your body how it is please reach out. I know it can be hard. :heart:


It Sounds Like a Long Journey and a really hard one but you Managed to Stay motivated and Get better that’s really impressive to me (also you can still consider it Bulimia since you binge and tried to Get rid of the cals with lax i think) i noticed my urge to self harm comes when i eat normaly bc it makes me feel guilty and i would Cut but when my parents noticed i started hitting my head too i Just can’t seem to Develop normal eating Habits, it never feels too Bad but it’s never normal it’s an Up and down somehow, i got diagnosed but it doesn’t feel as important but i know it is so i want to recover as Well, i Hope you keep Up with your Journey AS you Made it this far thanks for telling me all this, it really IS motivating, have a good day tho! <3

Thanks a Lot for welcoming me! even if we have differences with our struggles we all Hope to recover Here so that should be fine i Hope ^^" have a good day !


It’s a Like a vircious circle honestly, i feel Like the sh Problem would be was easier to handle If i didn’t struggle with food as much, i’m trying to reach Out tho i appreceate your Kind words too so thanks a Lot! :heart: