What's YOUR plan?

SUCH a valuable post. I shared it with a new comer. God bless you!:pray:


My plan is to stop using before things get really bad. Trying not to be known as the recovered addict but if i cant get ahold of this people might have to know. I feel okay today despite picking up yesterday and using a little and already throwing it away. I want to call this a little hiccup

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My plan
Today for me there are new challenges

Anger used to be my best friend, we hung out together, it used to open doors for me and slam them back where the good lord split me. We would go out to parties, even non parties. Then i just got tired of him making me exhausted.

I’ve now made anger take a back seat, and this is hard. Here’s my point
The other day an individual began a discussion with me on what i NEED to do. The conversation TOPIC, to me was toxic. And i fed that toxicity.
Angry self tried to take over and dang near wrecked the whole ride. So luckily, the battery within me, went from full to just drained.
I backed off and realized that anger tried to take over the situation, i fought it. I wanted everything to become rageful. I stopped, i thought about what it is that was truly bothering me. It was desire to be in charge of the topic. So i had to leave.
I told the individual that for me to do what is being asked of me is toxic. I cannot subject myself to such nefarious people anymore.

And that, my friends, is my plan.
Continue with safe boundaries and safe people and safe conversations. Maintain my boundaries.


Thank you! Was wondering about the headaches! A nagging dull pain, seems to be around the witching hour., and continues for awhile. I also wondered why I felt hungover at times in the mornings, thinking did I miss something!
Today makes 30 days. My alcohol habit was hard working day, I Deserve a cold beer! Well that would turn into perhaps 6 to 10 cold beers! Fooling myself:) I have been really really tempted two times, and had to walk myself through oh just one beer…
However everyday around 4:30 to about 6:30 pm it is the hardest time. I feel so good when I work myself through those hours and thank myself later that night for not giving up.


Thanks so much for this. I had a few years of sobriety at one point and talked myself into the idea that I was fine and totally had it under control now. And I did. ……… for a bit. Now it’s been a year and a half of days ones, and 1 weeks. Thsi was a fantastic post that seemed to be written just for me :blush:


This was really helpful to read and helps give me perspective on restarting my recovery journey. Thanks for sharing!

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72 days in now off fent (15 year heroin addict prior) and it’s been a ride but i am on MAT program and will be weaning down by the end of 2024. id prefer to be in a stable place before i do. i just got a new job and things have seriously looked up. yall stay strong.
ive done this for too long i know what it takes and i want it. acknowledging that is where healing begins!


Welcome to Talking Sober Caitlyn & huge congrats on your sobriety & everything you’ve accomplished lately. Very glad things are looking up for you (through your own hard work I might add). Here’s hoping for an ever better life for you, ODAAT and all that. Sounds like a solid plan you got there. Welcome again and wishing you all success on your journey.


BTW, when you’re planning on posting and participating in this forum (which can be a great help in our recoveries I feel), here’s two of the most active threads on the forum (self-explanatory as to their purpose) :

And just have a good look around, read, see if you find stuff that appeals to you.


I got my ex to block me on phone,and ive blocked him on everything else.
My plan is to remember how good it was to have savings,health,friends, and purpose .
Im once again, t try and get to into therapy.
I will be on this app,and more active, 29 days,and i plan to make it back to 8 years and more this time.


Day 1 again, made a plan this time. Counting days is not enough. I have a meeting on my calendar everyday. Work the steps, trust God, be vulnerable with those I love, don’t drink today.


Omg my replacement addiction is a game on my phone! I have to force myself to put the dang phone down! Does naked in the way of my Daily responsibilities But it just gets in the way of me reaching out to my sponsor i’m talking to others like I have been !!

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Thanks for this information. I am new to this site, and at day 81. I’m so stressed out and this helped me put my priorities in order. Appreciate you for this as I am having trouble using online formats. Its hard being in everyday life after rehab. Im dual diagnosed, and feeling really low. This information has shown me that I am still in the beginning stages of sobriety, and that i have to continue 1step at a time


I must be a dork. What’s DOC? Great advice


DOC is Drug of Choice. :v:


This helps. Thank you. It’s nice to hear a friendly voice in an ocean of silence.


Welcome @Zatara77! :blush:
You’ll find many different abbreviations are used around the forum. Here’s a fun thread to read.


Discipline is my plan… being grateful to have the strength and focus to stay in that mindset!


You are probably a lot like me in that our will, fortitude and self discipline is our greatest strength amd asset… That is, when we want it to be. :grin:


I have 2 days clean and sober
My plan of action is stay clean and sober just for today.
Start my day with a prayer and something positive whether it’s reading or just sitting in the silence being great Gil I’m alive
Stay present and not worry to far ahead
Remember to be greatful for this moment of sobriety
Stay positive and when I’m faced with negative situations JUST BREATHE!
Since there are not to many meetings where I am from and I have limited access to online fill my day with recovery to the best of my abilities.
Engage in a sober community and find like minded Individuals.
Find a sponsor
Address my health issues
Get a therapists (my mind has always been a chaotic place ever since I was little )and be so dang vulnerable it hurts because I am only as sick as the secrets I keep!
This is a lot now that I look at it but if I take this slowly and pace myself then everything will work out just as it should be thank you so much for this topic God bless.