Being sober is like my new droog

Thursday I celebrated 90 days clean and sober. I’ve been using this app for 3 months but never maze an account jus been using the calendar to keep track and write down my thoughts. I never thought I’d get this far and I’d love to have more friends n rhe recovery community.


Congratulations!! That is amazing. Keep up the good work :muscle:


Congratulations on 90 days that’s a big deal and welcome to the community keep up the great work we are rooting for you


Thank you so much. I’m really not sure how to use this stuff but I’m learning.


Way to stack up those days one day at a time! Welcome to the talking sober fam. Dig in and contribute where you want to. I hope you find that fellowship youre looking for here.

The gratitude thread is amazing

You can also check out what others are up to on the checkin thread

My personal favorite is the memes thread


I appreciate the warm welcome. I jus started this tonight so I’m gonna see what it’s about and check it out thanks


Just being in the community and being able to chat with people who understand when you’re in a tough spot. It’s such a great outlet when you feel like you need a little peace. We are all here when you need us! :heart:


I would have 2 agree. It would b nice 2 talk 2 someone who can relate IM DETAIL. I needed this. I’ve been using the calendar for the last 93 days but today I decided 2 join u guys an maybe learn a little from someone else or maybe help someone else. I :heart: helping people


What has worked for you on your sober path?


I’ve been on the MAT program and I’m also a single mother and work full time. I jus focus on working ans spending time with my daughter. Hobbies are swimming, tye dying, crafts w my daughter, fishing anything to keep me busy and my daughter happy ans me sober. So far so good


The details are the most important part to me, the part I feel like I’ve been hiding for so long and want to get out in the open to someone. Especially someone who won’t judge and gets it. I feel so lonely being the only one I know who seems to have an actual problem with drinking. I feel like a crazy person… I know it sounds dumb but it’s like now everyone’s looking at me waiting for me to break. I know they aren’t but it feels that way and it makes it so much harder to not have anyone. Here it’s like I’m not alone or lonely. I can come on here whenever to read or talk and it keeps me going one day at a time.


Much success and peace on your path


Welcome! Congratulations on 90 days!
Glad you decided to join in and interact. This forum has been a tremendous help in my recovery.


Hi :raising_hand_woman:
Welcome to the community and congratulations :slightly_smiling_face:

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I know exactly what u mean. Although there’s someone else n my fam who shares the same DOC as me, I’m the only one getting clean and sober OUT LOUD so everyone is proud of me but also waiting 4 me 2 fail. I live an hour away from my family too. I’ve also never tried 2 get.clean and failed, so they know I’m serious. But I’ve been doing it alone majority of the time which bothered me a lot at first. Now… I prefer it thay way. Single mom and I’m focused on me and my daughter I do not need a relationship right now. But in proud of u 4 reaching out girl. If u ever need anyone to talk 2 jus hit me up on here I have no clue how to private message on here or anything yet but I do have a TT and a Facebook
Stay strong pretty girl WE GOT THIS

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Yay on 90 days !! I just hit 90 today :blush::+1:t2: I also wasn’t sure this was ever possible. But here I am and here you are ! It’s such a great feeling waking up each day not feeling like crap. Wondering if I’ve said or done something stupid. Or worrying about drinking my day away. I love having my energy back. Sleeping better. Better relationships with family. Etc. the list goes on and on. This really is my new drug.
Way to go on your progress ! And let’s keep going :blush::purple_heart:

Welcome to the forum. I am glad you decided to introduce yourself, and I hope you will stay, share, learn and grow.

Great job on 90 days of freedom!