Checking in daily to maintain focus #74

Continuing the discussion from Checking in daily to maintain focus #73 - #2535 by CR84.

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@JazzyS THANK YOU. I’m focusing on getting my routine back and not allowing myself to pull too far away from TS. I realized I pulled away last time

@acromouse I never heard of this. I’m gonna have to check it out. Thank you! :eyes:

@MrFantastik I missed​:unamused: Happy 428 though :muscle:

@Finn To a day a little better than yesterday and worse than tomorrow. (If that even makes sense)

@onthewagon31 Hell yeah​:muscle::muscle: love this.

@CanadianGirl girl The thing is you caught yourself. Watch the fake sugars though too. They are quite terrible in their own right. Just something to keep in mind. regardless you’re doing amazing my dear🩷💪

@MrMoustache Have you tried seeing if setting up a little routine may help? I’ve never been routine oriented before. Like EVER. This most recent attempt I accidentally got one going and now the last few days I’ve been so busy I’ve missed parts of it and find myself in a funk. Just some food for thought✨

@Chevy55 -27 C !!! I was crying at -20 wind chill taking my dogs out. Oof :sweat_smile:

@Rockstar24777 Those apps are trash in my (albeit old) ass misses the days of just talking outside of technology (I ironically state here) But as far as deep personal relationships, I feel like they should be… PERSONAL. Personal opinion lol

@Ccn31 5 MONTHS!!! Luckily that was just a dream and you woke up without a hangover​:muscle::muscle:



Thank you for the advice, my friend! I’ve been trying to create some daily routines and I was doing pretty well when I had 64 sober days before my recent relapse. Now I have been just so tired both mentally and physically, but I know this will get better. Today I was too tired to go for a walk, so I’ve been just resting, reading a book and eating good food. One day at a time. :blush::pray:


I was yesterday in a party, let me share with you some sober thoughts.

This is my 881 day sober. Sometimes I don’t even think I can be as I am, all this is thanks to sobriety, which is a gift that God has given me.

People tell me that I’m better, that I’m very well, I guess some will really be right but they don’t want to tell me nothing because I haven’t confessed my addiction or my illness to anyone. Only I have spoken in AA groups and for the rest my environment tells me that something good has changed for me.

It’s impressive to know how confused you are when you’re in consumption and how you think that everyone drinks and you have to do it too. In fact right now I realise that few people drink and that you can have a very good party without consuming.

We can do this, happy 24 hours.


@GOKU2019 good to see you back. I’m sorry for what you are going through. It’s beautiful in San Diego today, maybe you can get some time outside! :palm_tree: I hope things improve for you and your wife. It’s good you know that you are 1000% a better person sober. Things will get better.


THANK YOU. :hearts:


Today I have my women’s meeting in the park, run some errands, then go to a woman’s ordination at our church. Not much else to write. Take care everyone! Have a happy 24.


2nd check-in. Today was pretty ok, but started to feel anxiety. Spoke with my dad i have been depressed past few days. He said he doesn’t understand it because he hasn’t have deep depression ever.


2nd check-in. This day has also been really boring which is understandable in early sobriety. It’s hard to concentrate on anything and I’m really anxious and full of unknown fear. But gotta just trust that this will get easier. Life is so hard at the moment that I feel so hopeless. Luckily I have my psych nurse’s meeting tomorrow which should help a little bit. But I’m happy to hit a pillow sober, another sober day behind.


Depression is impossible to understand if you haven’t experienced it. I am amazed by people who say they have never had a depressed day.

I told my Dad a long time ago that I was dealing with a pretty severe depression and his response was “I guess there will always be something wrong with your brain”. Many years after that he suffered a stroke and had to be medicated with antidepressants. He asked me then if he was feeling what I felt back then. I told him it was probably close (although we can never know for certain) and he apologized to me for having to feel that way for so long.

Just because someone can’t feel your feelings doesn’t make them less valid. Sober helps. Stay sober today. 🩷


Checking in day 34. Another chilled day. No alcohol, no vaping, no take aways. Trying to get back into my exercise routine since being ill. Not much to report! Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. :heartpulse:


Mid-day checkin

This check in is an excuse to get away from my garage. What was I thinking this morning when I thought it was a good idea to clean it? :confused:

It feels like I block my way back every time I move something. It feels like one of those sliding puzzles that you move tiles around in a fixed area to solve.

Anywho, back at it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Everyone have a great sober day!
And as always stay strong :muscle:!!



Thank you🙏


7 days!! Thank you @JazzyS and others for cheering me on :blush: today i am so happy not drinking. One advantage is that i KNOW some of my symptoms im having are from my cancer meds and not from substance abuse, so i can tell my doctor whats really going on. Such a huge plus. I went several weeks AF during chemo and surgery but its a lot different doing it on purpose.

Its actually snowing here in the PNW a little which is so nice 🩵 so i have my tea and a book i need to finish.

Wishing all of you a beautiful sober day, and if today isnt going your way im sending all the love and support


Yessssss!!! You got this!!

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Checking in day 398 AF :blush:


Day 31
I think I did too much too soon, back in bed feeling sick again. I have alot planned and really don’t want to lose any more time over this freaking flu.
I had a good time though with my family this weekend. No cravings, even though my fam was drinking red wine and I got offered some too. Thanks btw @JazzyS for the reminder that the TS clan is here when things get challenging.

Yesterday I talked to an old drinking buddy. Told him about my recovery and he opened up, saying that he recognised himself in my story. He’s not yet ready for sobriety, but it was good to hear he is not downplaying his own drinking and sees the problem in this behavior. I don’t know if he will ever get sober. I sure hope so as he was one of my best friends, but everybody has his own path. Can’t force sobriety on anybody.


Feel better my dear :purple_heart::sparkles:đź©·

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@StacyAnn how’s it going?


Hey, it’s going. I’m doing okay. A bit stressed out today, with some decisions I had to make regarding my youngests father and visitation, it’s a Ricky road and he’s very difficult to deal with. Ended up restarting again today, after having a couple beers last night. I wouldn’t call it a major slip up, but holding myself accountable even if I’ve had one or two, it’s a restart day. So yeah, doing okay, but definitely stressed out right now.