Checking in daily to maintain focus #59

Continuing the discussion from Checking in daily to maintain focus #58 - #2515 by BrOKenWolf.

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Day 675

Still feeling confused by what has happened. Such a mix of emotions that I honestly donā€™t know if Iā€™m coming or going.

Thank you to those who have been in touch. It is appreciated. I apologise if my responses are scarce and not making sense.

I also apologise to those Iā€™m not there to offer support to at the minute.

Sending love and strength!


Day 83 and checking in early. Insomnia is a bitch. And just for more fun, I can hear something scrabbling inside my interior bathroom wall. Likely a bat. Terrific!


Day 367
Do you sometimes too have dreams that leave you sad after you wake up? Like something either very beautiful happened that you miss or something very terrible happened that made you sad? Oof.
Grey day today outside, looks like I feel. Well, this will pass I know that.
I got a whole chicken yesterday thatā€™s going to be delicious after itā€™s grilled. And a lot of free time because itā€™s Unity Day in Germany.
Okay, one more coffee now for me and one more glutenfree cookie :innocent:
Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle: :kissing_heart:


Good morning! Giving this another try. A little more willing this time.


Hi, Sabrina! Yes, I sometimes have dreams that include my younger brother, who died suddenly 4 years ago. It was a devastating loss. I am always so glad to see him in my dreams, because I miss him so much. And the whole day afterward, I am melancholy :pensive:


Day 21.

This morning I am heading off to a 27 day treatment facility for women who have addictions with underlining tramua.

I am nervousā€¦I am scaredā€¦of what the unknown, leaving my kids, facing my issues, well all that and more but I am going and will make the most of this opportunity for freedom from addiction and negative thinking. I know this will take a lot of hard work and introspection. I am ready, tired of doing it my way, never worked. I will take suggestions from those who have walked the walk before me. By the grace of God I go.
See you all in Novemberā€¦sooner if allowed.:purple_heart::pray:t5:


This is a big step for you and a worthwhile one. Congratulations to you for going. And yes we will be here when you get back and hopefully and perhaps you will be able to be in touch while you are there. Many here have been in inpatient treatment and it made huge differences to them in a good way. Expect that and work towards that. Hugs.


Billy and @Pattycake oof, dreams of those weā€™ve lost are intense yes.
As some of you may know I quit contact to my whole family bc theyā€™ve been so toxic. I only was able to start healing without them. So no way of knowing whatā€™s going on with them.
I found out about the death of my uncle in a dream. I was walking somewhere with my aunt and asked her how my uncle is doing. She then told me that he died some years ago. It was so surreal, I woke up and googled if that may be true. And it was true, he died 2021.


Good luck @Lotusflower weā€™ll be here


Checking in.
Depression went away, thought I beat it, unawarely slipped back into negative thinking patterns, so it came back, corrected my thinking again, mostly went away againā€¦ thatā€™s pretty good
What is rather persistent is a lack of energy which stops me from doing many things I want to do, but Im rolling with itā€¦ productivity culture must be fought, at least internallyšŸ˜‚
Had my third therapy session, it was really interesting and humbled me in my conviction that I have near perfect introspectionšŸ‘

@JazzyS You are right this is a tool for support and not beratementā€¦ how unusual and beautiful, eh? :smile: Thanks for the reminderā€¦ hope youā€™re well!

Go easy on yourselves, everybodyā¤ Treat yourself today.


Checking in on day 57.Have a good day everyone!!!


Day 61

Notice certain behaviors in the past in trying to get sober, alot of which revolves around youtube and just clicking on ā€˜shortsā€™ only for ā€˜eye candyā€™, been seeing that in myself the last week along with not quickly dismissing bad thoughts. Today iā€™m re-focusing on my 7 day play and recovery training. I 100% have to go on the offensive when it comes to tackling my problem. My Brain is relentless at times trying to pull me back to my DOC, so i canā€™t just ignore it and try to get through the day. I have to be very specific in what iā€™m listening to to get me back refocused on what matters most. Have a great day everyone.


Hey all, checking in on day 1206. I hope everybody has a good one!


Thank you Alisa. I appreciate your support and encouragement :pray:t5:


Thank you :blush:


Does anyone else feel like they have to use to be social? I feel like Iā€™m boring clean. I was thinking of breaking my three-day streak tonight because Iā€™ll be with someone who only seems to enjoy my company when Iā€™m using.

Logically, I know this probably isnā€™t the case but it bothers me deeply because it confirms Iā€™m boring not on substances.

The good news is I went to the gym this morning and had a great workout. I just have to stay strong.


Hey Dana, the very best of luck to you. I will be thinking of you sweetie. This shall pass and the returned you will have more swords by your side. Good luck :+1:


You are not boring w/o using, you just perhaps donā€™t enjoy their company or the event or the scenario as much as you think you should. Maybe you grew apart from them, or never were them. Maybe they are boring.

I think in sobriety you sometimes find your authentic self if you listen carefully to what the tiny quiet whispers are saying. Like, I used to drink before going out as I am quiet and very shy around those I am not altogether comfortable with or in situations I feel awkward around. Those I truly feel comfortable around I feel authentic with, but Iā€™m very very reserved and donā€™t have a very wide inner circle.

So, I used to make myself into something I wasnā€™t and do things I really honestly didnā€™t ever wanna do, drugs and sex and whatever. It wasnā€™t me, Iā€™m not ā€˜coolā€™, I love to learn and read and watch films and chat with people who like niche things like mushrooms in the earth and the mycelium network. I like to cook and listen to radio shows about the earth.

I donā€™t think itā€™s boring to take care of your mind and soul and body. Do less stuff you donā€™t care about. Sometimes, continents divideā€¦it just depends if you can tread the new ground in the chasm, or not.

Donā€™t give up on yourself.


Thank you, I like that idea of figuring out who I am. I guess that will happen over time and I have to build up some confidence in the person I am.