Checking in daily to maintain focus #38

Continuing the discussion from Checking in daily to maintain focus #37 - #2538 by RosaCanDo.

Previous discussions:


I guess since I broke the last thread I should kick off the new one!

Overall, Iā€™m feeling really good lately. Navigating some feels around turning 40 soon. Had a good conversation with my husband this morning during our workout about his transition from dry January to whatever comes next for him. He is in exploration of moderation territory and I am trying to be supportive and be there to listen. I did challenge him slightly when he talked about drinking only on Fridays and Saturdays, and I said that itā€™s important to look at quantity as well, and that he has used the rationale that he spreads his drinking out over a longer period of time instead of binging quicker - thatā€™s not ā€œless badā€ is what I said. He agreed. So, yeah, just focusing on myself but also me in a partnership. Sigh. Iā€™m feeling solid and working on myself and happy about where I am. Sending strong sober vibes and love, amigos. :heartpulse:


Yay! I got through another day and the person and I are not going anywhere (for those of you who remember my last check in) which I am so happy to say :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Checking in on day 1171 AF and 17 days no diet coke. Seems a bit stupid to count those days. It is important, though.
Guess I made a decision about my course to not continue. I will sleep again over it and see how the seminar tomorrow goes.


Your days without Diet Coke inspire me! Iā€™m not there yet but you help me not forget that I can do it, too.


I am a diet coke addict too so know where youā€™re coming from and think your clean time is great.


I was off it for some years, quit cold turkey. Actually, before it was the well-known moderation strategy that worked, well, not so well. One day I quit. And I came back to it, as sort of treat when I quit alcohol. Surely, better than booze but maybe not.


Hi everybody, checking in Day 167, feels great

As per my commitment on here yesterday I did do some step work yesterday and finished all of Step One in the NA guide. Just have to go over it with my sponsor then on to Step Two. I feel like Iā€™m really learning how to recover!

Looks like my homegroup is back in operation tonight so will definitely go. Other than that busy day with giving a urine sample and cleaning the apartment.

Love and stay sober!



I did, too, for several years also, when I cut out caffeine completely, ironically while I was still drinking and trying to reduce some concerning anxiety symptoms. :thinking::grimacing:


Hey guys. Checking in day 25
Had a very relax day today.
Did some good meditation
Have a nice day.


Important announcement :slightly_smiling_face:.
It is butchā€™s birthday today (I didnā€™t tag him because this is secret) and he doesnā€™t usually post here)
And he is the owner of the thread ā€˜Motivation and meditation postsā€™

He posts EVERY SINGLE DAY for months and months and months. And it is comfort and has been comfort to me to read the daily readings and know butch is always there daily giving back with different inspiring readings to help us.

It would be so great if he could see a few happy returns on his thread for today from members. :heart::yellow_heart::heart::yellow_heart::heart::yellow_heart::heart::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:

Ssssssshhhhh I didnā€™t tell yā€™all :joy:


Hit another milestone! With all the stress and lack of inner peace Iā€™ve been feeling latelyā€¦ one thing I can say for sure is that I am SO damn proud to be going through it clean and sober. Things changeā€¦ nothing ever stays the same. All the rough times dont last. My recovery does tho! Keeps me as sane and as " put together" as I can be thru everything that is going on! Thanks everyone for travelling with me on this crazy journey called recovery lol Now onto 1 month! Thatā€™s all :gift_heart:


Day 585 clean and sober today. Have an awesome day everyone, I love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


You rock girl! congratulations So proud of you! :partying_face: :blue_heart:
I am trying to keep up with you :wink: :yum:


Oh girlā€¦ my heart goes out to you. I dont know if I am familiar with your daughters situation. Iā€™m not sure if uv posted about it. Sometimes I miss checkins (I do try to read all of them from when I was asleep lol)ā€¦ my mind has been hectic lately tooā€¦ super ā€œbusyā€ lol But I know those feelings :broken_heart: Our HP works in mysterious ways. I am sooo happy that u have gained mayve alittle sense of peace with ur situation. Ur post actually made me tear up bcuz even thru hard times we can help others and it just made me feel good that I guess what I wrote made a diff to someone. And I really appreciated u writing that! I say these mantras every morning. And when I say them I really think about them as I say them:
Acceptance is key
Surrender it all
Let go and let God (HP)
Fear or faith
Thy will not mine be done
Hope ur day is much better today!
By the way, I seemed to have also gained alittle extra peace and serenity in my life by what u wrote. I just feel a sense of happiness right now. So thank YOU for that :rose: hugs!


Thank you Roland!!! We ARE doing this! ODAAT! Proud of you too my friend :smiley:


Checking in on day 71 free from the grips of alcohol!!! Have a fabulous day everyone :blush:



You Rock!

congratulations on the 20 days :slightly_smiling_face:

I missed a check in yesterday.

Iā€™m celebrating day 85!

And Iā€™m not craving. Thatā€™s amazing.

Anyways, have a great sober Tuesday everyone!


Thank you :hugs: i also had tears reading yours.
Im feeing alot better, i got up and cleaned my garden this morning and have just heen having cuddles with my pets keepng myself busy.

I couldnt sleep last night i think someone was in my back garden right near my bedroom so I am exhausted and waiting for x2 security cameras to turn up in next few hours so i feel bit safer tonight i really need some sleep :pray:

Congratulations on 20 days im so happy for you xx